

Legal Disclaimer

Content disclaimer

All the information contained in our web pages is a service of Deutsche Leasing AG. The information and data (‘content’) contained in the Deutsche Leasing websites may only be used for information purposes and does not constitute advice or recommendations. Users use the content of the website at their own risk. No contractual relationship comes about between the user and us simply by using the website.

Equally, all warranties are excluded regarding negotiability, fitness for a specific purpose or non-infringement of statutes and patents.
The content of our web pages has been compiled with great care. We nevertheless assume no liability for ensuring that they are correct, complete and up to date.

The Deutsche Leasing Group is a solution-oriented asset finance partner for German SMEs. In this role, it provides a wide range of investment-related financing solutions (asset finance) and associated services (asset services). The company offers German savings banks a centre of competence for leasing plus other financing products and services, such as factoring in particular, geared towards medium-sized companies. Within international business, Deutsche Leasing provides advice and support to its German customers in the major export markets of Europe, China, the USA, Canada and Brazil.
Trading with asset-backed or fixed-income securities or other capital market-based investment products is not part of the product portfolio of Deutsche Leasing Group.

Liability for external links

This website contains links to third-party websites (‘external links’). The respective operators are liable for these websites. We also assume no liability for the content of external links. We have no control over the current and future design and content of the linked sites. The respective provider or operator is always responsible for the content of the external links. The external links were reviewed for possible legal infringements at the time they were set. No unlawful content was identified at that time. Setting external links does not mean that we associate ourselves with the linked content. However, it is not reasonable for us to check the external links on a permanent basis without any concrete indication of an infringement. If we learn of any infringements we will nevertheless delete the relevant external links without delay.


The content and works on the website are subject to German copyright law. Copying, processing, translating, storing, disseminating and any kind of exploitation beyond the limits of copyright law require the written approval of the respective author or creator. This page may not be downloaded or copied. If the content on this page was not created by the operator, third-party copyright is respected. Content and rights of third parties are designated as such. If you should notice a breach of copyright, however, we would be grateful if you would let us know. If we become aware of any rights infringements we will remove the content without delay.

Security notice

We point out that online data transmission (e.g. email communication) can have security flaws. It is not possible to protect data completely from third-party access. Users are responsible at all times for taking their own precautions against viruses, worms and other external attacks on their computers.

Use of contact data

We hereby explicitly reject the use by third parties of contact details provided to comply with legal obligations to send advertising and information material which has not been specifically requested. The operators of these pages explicitly reserve the right to take legal action if unsolicited advertising information is sent, by means of spam mails for instance.
We reserve the right to alter and update the content without prior notice.