



We are delighted that you are interested in the Deutsche Leasing Group corporate design.
Our CI-Net is aimed at service providers and cooperation partners.
It is where you will find information and downloads you can use to create communications in line with the Deutsche Leasing brand.

Note: Deutsche Leasing logo change in 2023!
The data currently provided in CI-Net is still valid until the end of June 2023! The data update - with new logos and CD guidelines - will take place on 01 July 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing department (mailto:
If you are a Deutsche Leasing Group service provider, you will need to register. As part of this process, you will be asked to give your consent to abide by a confidentiality agreement and also to name a contact at Deutsche Leasing.
If you are a Deutsche Leasing employee, you can also gain direct access via the Deutsche Leasing server without needing to register. If you access CI-Net via a different server then the confidentiality agreement is waived, although you will still need to register and select a contact.
Deutsche Leasing AG